“Balkans To The Baltic” (Albania to Finland)
2007 YMCA World Service Campaign
To raise money for YMCA programs in the Balkans, YMCA Europe employee Ian Luck will be cycling 3300 km / 2100 miles, via 13 countries, from Shkodër, Albania to Jyvaskyla, Finland in May and June, 2007. His goal is to raise $20,000 of the $75,000 needed for YMCA development in the region.
His route will take him from Albania through Montenegro, Bosnia, Serbia, Croatia, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia, before finishing in Finland on Midsommer’s Day (June 21). Regular ride updates will be posted to this blog.
· $190 - Average monthly salary in Albania, Europe’s 2nd poorest country
· 900 - Number of youth exposed to the YMCA in Macedonia
· 300 - Number of Shkodran children without access to education for over 15 years
· 300 - Number of children the YMCA plans to integrate into the school system this year
· $0 - Average salary of YMCA employees in Albania and Macedonia
· 300 - Number of orphaned children served by YMCA Bulgaria
· 0 - Sports programs offered outside the YMCA by local schools and organizations in Albania
· 30 - Number of children receiving 100% scholarship to play football in Macedonia
· $45,000 - Cost of a new youth center providing youth leadership,
e education, sports and other socially relevant programs to the citizens of Shkodër.
Your gift will be used to support YMCA programs in one or more of the following areas:
· Health Education: YMCA programs focused on reducing health risks, raising awareness of reproductive health and preventing drug abuse. The YMCA in Ruse, Bulgaria, is delivering HIV and AIDS awareness and drug abuse prevention education among prostitutes leading to healthier lifestyle choices.
· Investing in young people: Through the creation of Youth Activity Centers in Plovdiv (Bulgaria), Shkoder (Albania) and Prishtina (Kosovo) YMCAs provide education, leadership development, and social programs. Through volunteerism, service-learning and other methods, YMCAs assist youth in building relationships, leadership skills and work habits.
· Education: Through the YMCA Macedonia Youth center in Radishani, and the YMCA school in Shkoder, Albania, more than 350 Roma children age 5-14 are now receiving formal education including reading, drama, mathematics, and computer science.
· Strengthening YMCA Movements: Technical and financial resources help YMCAs develop effective leadership, implement sound financial practices and uphold their mission allowing them to better serve needs in their local communities (Macedonia, Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, Kosovo)
However, in order to ensure the operation of these programs we must first raise $75,000

$50 covers the cost of sports jerseys for a team
$100 provides 8 youth with a YMCA membership
$250 will allow a teenager to receive leadership development training
$500 will allow 30 children to attend school by providing desks, chairs and educational materials
$1000 provides a computer for the internet / learning center. (Eight are needed)
$5000 provides the necessary furniture and multimedia equipment (laptop/LCD projector) for the Education Classroom.
Make your commitment today to help the youth of the Balkans by clicking the 'donate now' link on the right
Help us build strong kids, strong families, and strong communities worldwide
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