Thursday, May 24, 2007

May 24 - The Phoney Ride

Sinus infections and long-distance bike trips really do not go together. Having felt unwell for the past two days, as of going to bed last night I was prepared to cycle into Montenegro, then Serbia today. I went to bed early and did not watch all the Champion’s League Final (yes, that is how tired I felt) and assumed that Milan won as I was woken by the sound of celebratory gunfire – one gunman, eight bullets. No car horns honking, just gunfire.

However, at approximately 4 am this morning, upon waking with a throbbing head and aching jaws, I decided that a visit to the doctor was more prudent that a 160 km bicycle ride. Arlind and Fatmir, YMCA leaders and translator, negotiated a rapid consultation with the ‘head specialist’. With a history of sinus problems, I was sure all I needed was antibiotics and possibly some pain medication. The specialist ordered me to go to the hospital for an X-ray. Off we went with our radiography orders. Fatmir’s car is being re-painted so we took the bus the hospital. Two attempts were needed to yield a good image on the X-ray and then it was back to the specialist via taxi.

The official diagnosis was ‘sinus congestion’ and I was prescribed antibiotics, pain/pressure relief medication, syrup for the throat and nose drops. Despite appearing somewhat chaotic (you basically find the relevant medical room/office by asking others waiting in the corridor and then queue outside the appropriate door until someone appears) my experience with the Albanian healthcare system was very good.

That said, it is frustrating to be sitting here, watching a perfect cycling day from the confines of my kitchen/bedroom having spent so long training and organizing this event. Logistically what it means is that the rest day in Sarajevo just disappeared, which also means changing my hostel reservation, and the first ‘rest’ I am likely to have is the short day’s riding going into Budapest. However, as always with trips like this, the plan will evolve once on the road. On a positive side, it will be good to feel human again and begin the ride with a clear head (ears and jaw included) and some energy (hopefully).

Tomorrow the ride should start in earnest.

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