Sunday, July 1, 2007

June 17: Tallinn

The rain was back. We woke up to high winds and low, grey skies and cooked ourselves an ‘English’ breakfast of left over Estonian sausage, egg, baked beans and fried sausage. This was indeed high living on the campground. The rain duly started and we moved everything to the centre of the tent, in an effort to keep it dry, and headed for the sauna located in the tennis club next door. To round out an almost perfect morning, save for the weather, an hour or so was spent perusing the inventory of the bicycle store in the same complex. I considered it a moral victory that no money left my wallet.

Once we could no longer find excuses to prevent us from venturing out into the weather we journeyed to town again. As usual for the touring cyclist, hunger consumed me once more. I also needed a map of Finland to replace the one my dad had loaned me and that I had to cut in order to make it fit in my handlebar map pocket (sorry Dad). We combined these two needs at the bookstore café, having dismissed the idea of crepes downstairs. Then it was on to the internet café located in the basement bus station for the regular blog update.

Having spent a few hours there it was time to peek outside and see what Mother Nature was doing. No surprises in store – it was still grey and miserable with precipitation being driven by high winds. We walked the short distance to Old Town and attempted to explore again. However, the weather was hardly encouraging and soon dampened our desire to walk, or even be outdoors. It was time for a decision: go back to the tent, find a coffee shop, or begin a long, slow dinner with a drink? Answer C please. And so we made our way to Old Hansa, a medieval themed restaurant where dinner was begun with a stein-full of Dark Honey Beer. The atmosphere, food and décor of the restaurant was as good as the beer (or was it the other way around) and the live ‘period’ music was a nice touch and completed the ambiance.

We braced ourselves for what we find inside the tent. The outside was soaked and it was a question of how closely the inside matched it. Sure enough the floor was wet, along with the edges of the sleeping bag, but it was still much better than the first night I had spent here.

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