Thursday, June 21, 2007

June 21: Celebrating trip´s end in Jyvaskyla

It´s over. No more pedalling, no more hills, no more cokes or snickers. Despite misfortune´s best efforts in attempting to delay my departure from a cold and rainy Tallin - I had a flat tire en route to the ferry - I arrived in Finland on Monday afternoon.

The weather was just as cold and miserable in Helsinki. There was no accommodation left at the Helsinki YMCA´s hotel, so following an attitude adjustment conisting of Chinese food and hot tea we set off in search of the Rastila Hostel on the east side of the city. I do not think I have ever slept in a hotel/motel/hostel on its first day of opening before - but that is exactly what we did in the school turned Hostelling International site.

The next day it was off to Sysma and I found out the hard way that Finland is not as flat as I thought. Combined with the all-day headwind it was one of the harder days I have had on the trip and I had not geared down this low since coming through the High Tatras into Poland. After a long day in the saddle the night was spent at the Sysma campground - next to the lake. We ate pizza in bright sunshine at 10 pm.

The final day to Jyvaskyla was a relatively short one of 116 km. I was on the road early and enjoying the lack of wind. I zipped through the first half of the day, despite the continuing undulations of the countryside. My fastest speed of the trip was set (in Finland of all places) of 70 km/h. I was flagging by lunchtime and very pleased to see Lene with food around noon.

After an injection of caffeine and sugar in the form of Coke (what else?) I pushed on for the final 35 km into Jyvaskyla. The sun was out and I told myself to enjoy the final 90 minutes of cycling on back roads. At 2:30 pm local time I had arrived. By 2:45 it was pouring with rain and I was grateful to be inside and warm/dry. I had finished and though happy, all I wanted to do was sleep. No big celebration, just rest.

Today is Midsummer´s Day (Johannus in Finnish) and I will be celebrating: Food, drink, Sauna and watching the midnight sun.

Full updates for each day since Tallinn (and photos I hope) will be posted over the weekend I hope. However, as this is Johannus, most stores/cafes are closed from tonight on.

A big thank you to all who have made this ride possible and offered support throughout the last 4 weeks. I will write more soon, but now I hear the sauna calling my name!

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