Sunday, June 3, 2007

May 30: Osijek to Budapest by train (25 km on bike)

Woke up to rain and following breakfast (served in my room) I headed for an internet cafe. I stumbled across the old town and explored the wet, cobblestoned streets cautiously - I was no longer nervous about my spokes but the potentially slippery surface. May buildings/statues were being renovated and it appeared the city was involved in the recent conflict judging by the pockmarked buildings.
I arrived at the railway station at 12:30 for a 13:15 train. Happily my ATM cards worked today and I now had Croatian money with which to buy food! Trains arrived: some left; some waited as if for a pre-arranged rendezvous that was now delayed. I had been told my train would display the sign "Sarajevo-Budapest" and expected a train of more than 3 carriages (the 'local' train length). Following an announcement a 2-car train pulled in, well short of where I waited on the platform. I paid it little attention until realising at the last second it was my train: I dashed back to my bike and finally managed to get the conductor to understand that I needed him to hold my bike while I detached the trailer and loaded everything. He was in a hurry to go and I do not think my bike wheels were on the ground when the train pulled away.

My arrival in Budapest was greeted by a horde of 'Hostel touts' trying to sell me rooms. There were not interested in giving directions, but could not match the camping fee I challenged them too. Instead they told my it would take me at least an hour and half to get where I was going. I followed the sun West, and forty-two minutes later I was putting my tent up.

There was a very noticeable difference in temperature here (cooler). I enjoyed dinner conversation with couples from the Netherlands and Germany over pork schnitzel, garlic and fries. To bed ahead of a big day on the morrow.

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