Monday, June 11, 2007

June 5: Krakow to Radoszyce - 158 km

Later start than usual as I saw Lene off and was on the road at 10:30. Took me an hour to cover the 11 km needed to exit Krakow. Overcast skies threatened rain and I figured it would be more of the same: a cold, wet end to the day. However, the temperature was perfect and I was enjoying the rolling farmland.

First puncture (real puncture rather than valve failure) of the trip occurred after 30 km. It was worse than a puncture - my tire was sliced and I could see all the way through it when I put my finger inside. I replaced inner tube and inserted a 10 Zloty note inside between the tube and tire in the hope that the Zloty was as strong as a Dollar in terms of tire repair. The 'slice' was on the center line of the tire and the chance of gravel or a 'pinch flat causing another puncture was highly likely.' I rode on with bated breath.

Quiet back roads passed through villages simultaneously straddling different eras: fields being cut by scythe; milk carried in metal cans; and satellite dishes on every other house. The only negative to this bucolic setting was the awful road surface. Farmland changed to pine forest and if the road markings had been different I could have been in the Mississippi Pine Belt.

Despite the late start I wanted to get in at least 150 km and pushed on aggressively stopping only for snickers (or substitute calories) and liquid. Another kebab sufficed as lunch - washed down with grapefruit Powerade! I made my final water purchase late in the day in a small village. Though I bought 1.5 litres of my brain told me to buy two. I did not listen.

I found a small copse of trees to spend the night late in the day and set up camp. The pasta I had bought earlier at the supermarked in one of the many small towns I passed through tasted like food of the gods. I then realised I did not have enough water to drink this evening and start with a full bottle in the morning. Next time will listen to my inner voice.

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