Sunday, June 17, 2007

June 12: Riga

Lazy day today. Had a long, relaxed breakfast and the apartment to myself as Gunta had travelled to Tallinn and her mother had left early to work at the church. I wrote in my journal before updating the blog again. Felt like I should visit the Old Town and explore the UNESCO World Heritage city, but I felt devoid of energy and preferred to sit and write rather than walk (very unusual for me).

Finally the need for food was overwhelming and I decided to eat in the Old Town as an excuse to get there and at least see some of what the city had to offer. It was a hot day and what little strenght I had seemed to be draining from me. I rejected the 'Dickens Pub' as a lunch option and after and extensive search settled for the less than traditional pizza option. Still it was cheap, good, filling and above all, was what I felt like.

The small part of the Old Town that I did see was beautiful, though I did not spend long there. I had other needs that needed to be taken care of while in a major metropolitan area (as opposed to out in farmland) - namely I had one shopping purchase to make and needed a haircut. With both these tasks accomplished it was once again back to the apartment and some rest time.

I could not figure out how to use the washing machine - all the dials seemed to be in the right places but it would not start. I called in resources in the shape of Linda, who was working in the Y office next door and seemed a sort of permanent 'drop-in' tenant at Gunta's to help. No use, the washing maching directions were not in Latvian or English - personally, I think it was Finnish as there were a lot of 'Us' next to each other. So, I waited for Gunta's mother to come home.

When she arrived she had strawberries, cakes and cookies from the church. She insisted I eat. Though I had eaten only a short while before I could not communicate this and also did not want to offend (that is my story..) So, I tucked in. Gunta's mother spoke no English and me no Latvian or Russian. It was frustrating not being able to communicate even the simplest things such as to thank her for her hospitality. I hope she understood I was grateful.

Finally the washing machine ended, clothes were hung to dry and it was time for bed.

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